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Sonst. PersonenMandeville, Howard (Hrsg.); Anderson, Lynda (Hrsg.); Lakin, Charlie (Hrsg.)
InstitutionMinnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Research and Training Center on Community Living.; Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Inst. on Community Integration.
TitelSupporting Parents Who Have Cognitive Limitations.
Quelle11 (1998) 1, (29 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Adult Children; Adults; Advocacy; Agency Cooperation; Child Rearing; Helping Relationship; Mental Retardation; Parent Child Relationship; Parenting Skills; Parents with Disabilities; Social Services; Social Support Groups
AbstractThis feature issue focuses on strategies to support parents who have cognitive limitations to be successful in raising their children. Articles include: (1) "Encounters with Entropy: Marge's Journey from System to System" (John Franz and Pat Miles) that tells a fictional story of a mother with disabilities to illustrate the tendency of human service systems to operate independently of one another, to stay locked into rigidly structured responses, and to avoid collaborative responses; (2) "Helping Parents Be Parents" (Howard Mandeville and Polly Snodgrass); (3) "Mothers with Developmental Disabilities: Common Issues and Needs" (Bette Keltner); (4) "Parents with Cognitive Limitations: What Do We Know about Providing Support?" (Lynda Anderson and K. Charlie Lakin); (5) "Perpetuating the Sprit of Kako'o" (Stacy Kong); (6) "Supporting Parenting Rights: Arc Hennepin" (Lori Gildersleeve); (7) "Two Decades of Parent Support: Reuben Lindh Parenting Program" (Audrey Kvist); (8) "Supporting Fathers with Cognitive Limitations" (Mark D. Simpson and others); (9) "Parents with Cognitive Limitations: Challenging Myths, Changing Perceptions" (Alexander J. Tymchuk); (10) "Supporting Parents and Children during Termination of Parental Rights" (Deborah Muenzer-Doy and Lynda Anderson); (11) "Strengthening Families of Older Children" (Gwynnyth Llewellyn); (12) "The Adult Children of Parents with Learning Difficulties" (Tim Booth and Wendy Booth); (13) "Welfare Reform and Parents with Disabilities" (Caroline Hoffman and Howard Mandeville); (14) "System Abuse and the Power of Advocacy" (Tim Booth and Wendy Booth); and (15) "How Small Initiatives Make a Difference" (Rick Brooks). The issue closes with a list of supported parenting resources. (CR)
AnmerkungenInstitute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota, 109 Pattee Hall, 150 Pillsbury Drive, S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455; telephone: 612-624-4512.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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